Foody Friday...So, What's for Dinner?
Labels: dinner, recipes, slow cooker 0 commentsI love food and I love to cook, but I don't always have time. I don't know why, since it's not like I have an almost two year old who doesn't quit moving or talking from dawn til dusk...and it's not like I am running an at home business that take up countless hours at the sewing machine, iron, computer and light box every day (and night, and weekend) (not that I mind, I love what I do)...and it's not like I help out around here as much as possible (we live with my grandparents, in their huge house, with four dogs that shed...a lot (I do lots of vaccuuming) I don't know where all my free time goes, but it seems to be in short supply.
So, we've covered my love of food and cooking, and my lack of free time...which leads me to how much I love my crockpot. Now, don't get me wrong, I am no crockpot expert, but there are a few meals it makes that have no rivals. My very favorite is tonight's dinner. It is from the "Fix-It and Forget-It" series, the "5-ingredient favorites" edition (note to my readers, some of the recipes do in fact call for more than 5 ingredients, but they are all really simple anyhow). So what is it, you ask? Here ya go:
Slow Cooker Swiss Steak-
Prep Time: 30 min
Cook Time: 7hours
Ideal Size: 3-qt.
1 lb round steak, 3/4"-1" thick, cubed
16 oz can stewed tomatoes
3 carrots, halved lengthwise
2 potatoes, quartered
1 medium-sized onion, quartered
garlic powder to taste
1. Add ingredients to crockpot in order listed
2. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours, or until meat and veggies are tender, but not overcooked and dry
*Note: I always add more of pretty much everything, except the tomotoes, because then there are leftovers!
**2nd Note: My slowcooker is a steamer, rice cooker, slow cooker in one, and it doens't have a high/low function, it just goes and seems to work fine. It is usually done sooner than 7 hours though.
And our side dishes? Hubby made homemade wheat bread in the bread maker, and we will probably throw together a salad too. Yum! And easy, very easy!
Best things about slow cookers? Easy, yummy less work, and even in the summer, doesn't put out a lot of heat!
So what are you all having for dinner? And new recipes to share with me?
Posted in dinner, recipes, slow cooker by CheyLoCreations
Brand New in my Shop!
Labels: cheylocreations, etsy, flax seed, Heal Better, therapy pack 1 commentsKeep the Trees Healthy and Beautiful

My Little Berry Cupcake

What is a Heal Better?
CheyLoCreations Heal Better products are hot/cold therapy packs filled with 2.5lbs. of 100% organic golden flax. Each comes with a removable, washable cover and measures approximately 13" by 8". Heal Better products come unscented, so everyone can use them; if you would like a scent, you can add a drop of fragrance oil or essential oil to the inner pouch. Note: Essential oils are not recommended for children or pregnant women; please do your research before using these potent fragrances.
What can I use it for?
Heal Better products can be used for nearly any task that is usually reserved for ice packs, heating pads, and hot water bottles. They are reusable and combine hot/cold options into one product. The versatile sizes make them great for all ages and uses! Note: Heal Better is not intended to replace the advice/care of your doctor. Here are just a few options:
~Bumps and bruises
~Sore muscles
~Menstrual cramps
~Bed warmers
~Engorgement for nursing mothers
~Surgery recovery (felt great after my wisdom tooth removal)
Why flax?
Flax seeds are tiny, flat, and smooth, so these packs form oh so gently to your body; no more hard ice, no more pokey rice! Flax contains 30-40% oil, which heats reliably, every time, unlike grain products which rely on water to heat, and eventually dry out. Flax provides a soothing moist heat and comfortable cool relief that lasts.
How do I use it?
Using a Heal Better is easy as can be! Store in the freezer (in a zip bag if you choose) and pull out for cool relief. If heat is what you need, remove from freezer and microwave for 20-30 seconds at a time, until desired heat is reached. Please be cautious when removing from microwave, product will be hot. Always check temperature before using on a child, and always supervise children using Heal Better products.
Heal Better products are made with care in my smoke-free home studio.
Posted in cheylocreations, etsy, flax seed, Heal Better, therapy pack by CheyLoCreations
Fun Giveaway
0 commentsI just heard about a cool giveaway over on keepingupwith mom, from pixel by pixel! Check it out!
by CheyLoCreations
To change or not to change...opinions?
3 commentsI currently market my mei-tei style baby carrier as the Beeb Along Baby Carrier (tm)...but it seems that is a bit of a mouthful (Cheyenne's nickname as a baby was beeb that's where the name came from). Nowadays, that isn't her nickname anymore and no one knows what the carrier name means anyway. Beyond that, carrier time for Cheyenne is "go time". I have lloked and looked and cannot find a carrier called "Go Time Carrier" or "Go Time Baby Carrier" I think I want to change the name...what do you all think?
by CheyLoCreations
You've Gotta Love these Little Lovies!
Labels: cheylocreations, little lovie, michael miller, patchwoork bird, robert kaufman, turquoise 1 commentsPosted in cheylocreations, little lovie, michael miller, patchwoork bird, robert kaufman, turquoise by CheyLoCreations
Wow...I am a lame blogger
Labels: baby carrier, business, Cheyenne, cheylocreations, etsy, wisdom teeth 0 commentsGee, I guess time really flies when you are busy, moving, getting surgery, and just generally having your life turned upside down...
To sum it up the last *cough*4*cough* ahem, months, since I last blogged, in February, my husband's internship got switched around, resulting in a bit of a financial crisis, which led to an unexpected move to live with my grandparents who have extra space and so generously are willing to share it with our family. The move was in mid march and is a bit of a process with a 1 1/2 year old who really wants to help. Early April, my hubby's new internship began and I had all four of my wisdom teeth out. Yay for 3 weeks of jello, mashed potatoes and my savior, egg drop soup. During all this, I was trying to my business back on track after all these said upheavals, and got accepted to the Redmond Saturday Market ( (yay!) and Urban Craft Uprising's 1st summer show (August 1-2) (double yay!) Did I mention that after UCU in December I took a bit of a creating hiatus...leading to much scrambling the 1st week of May to prep enough product for the RSM?
So that us here and now...I have a well-stocked booth of crayons, wipes, boutique burps, 5 sizes of Heal Betters, little lovies, and nursing covers. So what am I working on now? Burps and Hela Betters for this weekend's RSM, and my demo doll ( a reborn I am diligently rooting 1-2 hairs at a time). At the market this weekend, I should have tanner to work on his hair (he will be painted this week, and will make an adorable newborn!).
In family life, my hubby's internship is going great, we are loving getting to spend time with my grandparents, and seeing them with Cheyenne is just so fun! Speaking of Cheyenne, she is, constantly..talking that is. The child is runnign circles around us all, and learns at least3-8 new words a day. Basically if she hears it, she says it. Today's 1st new word of the moring was "safe", pronounced so proudly as "fafe." As in "baby is fafe" which is a real accomplishment around here, what with 4 dogs attempting to eat her (baby is Cheyenne's doll) all day. The garden is planted and now all we need is some sun (can I hear an amen?) so our plants can grow.
I am also trying to get new products up in my shop as quickly as I can, if there is somethign you need though please ask, as I will always have more complete than I will have listed.
The lame, but back in action blogger
Posted in baby carrier, business, Cheyenne, cheylocreations, etsy, wisdom teeth by CheyLoCreations